Fanlistings I am a member of. Fanlistings I own. Site information and credits. Index

Welcome Christine's fanlisting collective, siren eyes. I owned and joined fanlistings ~2008, and after a decade+ hiatus I chose to open another collective and get back into my hobbies of website design and being a fangirl.


Joined: 208
Owned: 12 (1 upcoming, 0 pending)
Last Updated: July 6th, 2024
Opened: September 14th, 2022


July 6th, 2024
Opened the fanlisting for Taylor Swift's newest album, The Tortured Poets Department a yesterday!

March 20th, 2024
Opened the fanlisting for Vampire Weekend a few days ago!

March 4th, 2024
Opened the fanlisting for I Bet You Think About Me by Taylor Swift! Also, the Karma fanlisting now includes the remix feat. Ice Spice.

February 19th, 2024
Opened the fanlisting for Karma by Taylor Swift!

January 21st, 2024
Opened the fanlisting for Miley Cyrus!

January 15th, 2024
I've transferred all of my owned fanlistings from BellaBuffs over to Enthusiast. In the process of adding all my joined listings to Enthusiast - wish me luck! I've also applied for a small handful of fanlistings over the past week so hopefully I get some approvals soon. •ᴗ•

December 9th, 2023
The fanlisting for Cruel Summer by Taylor Swift is now open!

February 9th, 2023
Say hello to the fanlisting for How to Train Your Dragon (2010)!

January 28th, 2023
Since my last update I have opened fanlistings for Miley Cyrus' album, Miley Cyrus & Her Dead Petz, as well as for Begonias.

January 10th, 2023
I was unexpectedly offline for a few months, and I unfortunately lost two of the fanlistings I was approved for. Luckily I did not lose the two I currently own. I plan to re-apply.

October 4th, 2022
Opened the fanlisting for MARINA (Marina Diamandis)!

October 2nd, 2022
The fanlisting for Taylor Swift's "folklore" album is now open! Find it here. I applied for a few others recently, so hopefully I get approved. :)

September 23rd, 2022
Changed site layout. I was going for something ethereal and I'm pretty happy with the result! I also applied to run a few fanlistings, so hopefully those get approved in the next few weeks!

I am also looking for site affiliates! All collective/personal websites welcome. :) Buttons can be found on my site page; reach me via e-mail.

September 14th, 2022
I've been offline for nearly a decade and it feels good to be back. Designing graphics, websites, and participating in the fanlisting community was a source of joy for me as a teen, so I'm hoping to tap into that nostalgia now that I'm an 'adult.'


 Astralwing I Heart You! SILENT network Starlit The Wild Rose yerfej

To become affiliates contact me.

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